skin > signal > sound

I’m a serial subscriber to mailing lists. Sometimes they deliver interesting things to my inbox. Occasionally I have time to read them. I was particularly intrigued by an ad for a workshop offered as part of the Code of Contingency series. Unfortunately I’m unable to attend, but here are the details in case you are (please let me know all about it if you go):

Lucky Dragons workshop:

Lucky Dragons’ Make a Baby
3rd of June, 6-9pm with Opening to Follow
Starting with Lucky Dragons performance “make a baby”–in which audience members are invited to play music by touching one another, modulating a low voltage electrical network by passing signals across skin–we will look closely at ways in which one signal can be modulated to carry another signal, as well as the open forms created by playful collaboration. Each point of contact between participants becomes a variable resistor in the network, a point at which any subtle interaction produces a ripple of changes in the sound, the network becomes fragile and dynamic, able to change quickly and radically as the interaction between participants evolves through playing.

Please e-mail Sarah Jury at to ensure we will have enough room for attendees.

The relationship between skin and sound is something that I’ve thought about on and off for the past five or so years (since discovering the Paula Josa-Jones and Pauline Oliveros collaboration Skin). I have various short skinsoundscribblings that I will put up here (or on my website) soon.